Operation ‘Ajay’ 2nd Flight Safely Brings 235 Indian Nationals Back from Conflict-Stricken Israel

Oct 14, 2023 - 09:06
Operation ‘Ajay’ 2nd Flight Safely Brings 235 Indian Nationals Back from Conflict-Stricken Israel

In a remarkable and heartwarming operation, the second flight under 'Operation Ajay' successfully transported 235 Indian citizens back to their homeland from the war-torn region of Israel. This operation was launched by the Indian government to ensure the safe return of its citizens amid the ongoing conflict in the region.

The flight, which arrived today, marks a significant step in evacuating Indian nationals who had been stranded in Israel due to the escalating tensions. The passengers on board were not only relieved but also filled with gratitude as they touched down on their native soil after a period of uncertainty and distress.

The Indian government, in collaboration with various agencies, continues to work tirelessly to evacuate its citizens from the conflict zone. The safety and well-being of its people are of paramount importance, and 'Operation Ajay' reflects the nation's unwavering commitment to ensuring their return home unharmed.

Efforts are ongoing to bring back more Indian nationals, and this operation serves as a beacon of hope for those still awaiting their journey back to safety. The Indian government, in coordination with Israeli authorities, is committed to the welfare of its citizens and will leave no stone unturned in ensuring their timely and secure repatriation.

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